Food Trucks
Don’t miss out on the foodie event of the season! Explore our food trucks today and indulge in the best street food your tastebuds have ever experienced.

Veteran Events & Ceremony
2024 will be our 3rd year performing the "Flight of the Flags" at our event. During this somber ceremony, pre-registered families will bring the burial flags from their loved ones for one last flight. The student honor guard from Green HS JROTC will load the flags into a WWII TBM Avenger (same type that George Bush was shot down in WWII), while members of the Honor Guard conduct a 21 gun salute, a flag folding demonstration, and a description of the meaning of each part of a military funeral. The aircraft will circle over the airport during a moment of silence. After landing, each flag is reunited with their family and the pilot personally presents them with a certificate.
We are hoping to fly 40 flags each day!!!