Inspire Aviation

Inspire Aviation is a 501c3 non-profit organization located in Wadsworth, Ohio. Our purpose its to provide educational opportunities for youth and adults in the general public in the areas of aviation and STEM. We provide the community an opportunity to learn about Aviation as a career or hobby through community events. Throughout the year we are partnered with Akron Public Schools and United Way to provide students an overview and exposure to aviation topics as well as the needed mentoring to be successful in the STEM career field.
Our main fundraising event is the annual Props and Pistons Festival. The goal of this event is to help make the public aware of aviation related topics through expert discussions, historic, military, and commercial aircraft displays.
Our event is paid for by generous sponsors and a small gate admission. If you would like to advertise in our show-book, sponsor part of the show, or donate to Inspire Aviation. Please contact or call 330-807-4065
Visit our website at for more info
Inspire Aviation is a proud to have earned Candid Guidestar’s Gold Seal of Transparency. Candid Guidestar is a one stop site for all publicly accessible data for every registered nonprofit. Our level of transparency from our financials to our board member background info puts us in the top .5% of all nonprofits!!!!

The Festival Committee is comprised of volunteers from all walks of life. Our committee members include Pilots, Air Traffic Controllers, Engineers, Teachers, Small Business Owners, and various other occupations. We are always looking for more members who wish to volunteer their time to make the festival a memorable experience for thousands of spectators. If you are interested in being a part of the committee or just want to help in a specific area please contact us below. A background in aviation is not required.
Click here to volunteer for the Festival. Since we are a non-profit we can even help students earn their community service hours.

Inspire Aviation announces aviation scholarships
Where does your ticket money go? Did you know the typical display plane at our show costs us thousands in appearance fees, fuel, hotels, rental cars, etc? Want a B-17 or P-51 Mustang; their cost is well over $10,000. Luckily we are experiencing steady growth in attendance and a variety of display aircraft willing to offer us discounts so we can create a scholarship program.
Check out this link to learn more about our Private Pilot and STEM education scholarships brought to you by generous donations and from our co-sponsor: Avit Flight Academy at Wadsworth Airport.
Visit our website at for all the details and application